Hello Students and Parents,
I am excited to be working with your child this school year in the third grade! I will be your child’s Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies teacher. I am a firm believer in keeping a strong, open line of communication between the home and school. If I have not met you personally, I welcome you to call the school (416-8900) and set up a time for us to meet. After all we have something so special in common, your child. You are your child’s first teacher and you know him or her better than anyone else!
On August 23rd, our school will host Curriculum Night. During this time I will discuss classroom expectations, academic curriculum, and things you can do to help your child at home. Sign-up sheets will also be available for you to volunteer to assist in our classroom. Please make every effort to attend.
Beginning the first week, your child will have a special communication binder that he/she will bring to school every day. In the binder, you will find our weekly newsletter, your child’s behavior calendar, and their agenda book. The behavior chart will need to be signed each night. Your child will record their homework assignment into the agenda each night. Every Wednesday I will send home papers in a green folder for you to review, sign, and return to me each Thursday.
I know with busy lifestyles, it may be difficult to find time to sit down with your child to review homework, but I encourage you to try to be part of your child’s education as much as possible. I will be grateful for all of your help. I am looking forward to a wonderful year with your children! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at johnsona9@scsk12.org.
Amanda Johnson
Third Grade Teacher
White Station Elementary
Third Grade Teacher
White Station Elementary